Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Juhlin Missionaries to Guatemala

Tim Here!

It has been some time since I made an entry. I am just too serious about learning Spanish, and because I am so serious I am not much fun to be around. Lighten up! I say this to myself each evening and morning and then just get demoralized with my inabilities. I can say good morning and do so at the wrong times and so goes the day. I have many technical words but putting them together into an actual sentence is beyond me at this time. I can write them out and read them off but my commador 64 just does not process word meanings fast enough. I will give it some time, perhaps 7 years and if I can't communicate by then I will have to go fishing in Northern Canada. Speaking of clean water, the streams here stink and look even worse. Think of vomit in a hot station wagon and that is as close to the smell of streams as I can get you. In other countries where standards are in place, the streams begin to get cleaner, in lands such as this were every one is struggling under a system of oppression that does not allow a worker the basics of life, the environment suffers the most.

For one who is struggling with the language, I sometimes feel like the smartest person down here. Give me one week with a paint brush and stencil and every street corner in Antigua would be labelled, which would make life easier for the average tourist. Canada and the USA had this figured out years ago, but down here it is a foreign concept.

I have so many wise thoughts down here as I walk the streets to school each day but they often vaporize by the time evening arrives! I have just finished 2nd Corinthians and now am rolling into Galations. I started reading Bonhoffers book "The Cost of Discipleship" and again am challanged. Christ has fulfilled the law, was the only one who could and we are to follow him, and stay in close fellowship with him .... sounds good so far doesn't it!!!! Well Dietric goes on to say that we can fulfill the law by staying close to Christ. Now we are in a different theological kettle of fish. Well I am not agreeing either way just chewing the matter over.

Please pray that the good Lord will assist me in lightening up and give me wisdom for learning and in understanding the culture we are called to operate in.

Yours in Christ.

ps. We found a different place to stay, and will move on Saturday morning. The new place has HOT WATER, a PRIVATE bathroom, cooking facilities, a sitting room we can use and a roof top patio. Heaven awaits!!!


Anonymous said...

Poor Dad... I can only begin to imagine your frustrations! It's good you will have hot water and a private bathroom.. things we all take for granted. It has snowed all afternoon and although it has warmed up (-9) it is miserable. Hopefully by getting a better place your stress levels will decrease and you will be able to cope better. We are thinking and praying for you in the great north. Love you guys


Anonymous said...

Roof top patio?!? Holy shiza! *fat city heh heh heh*

I wish I could walk the streets with you.