Thursday, February 01, 2007

Juhlin Missionaries to Guatemala
Tim here.
We seem to be unable to insert pictures although did so in Canada.

The routine is starting to develop and unfortunately it involves me going into my silent act which is part of some sort of coping mechanism to deal with the excessive information overload we are receiving. Verbos conjugation and more verbos! For example lets take the word Habler to talk. I talk is yo hablo, you talk is tu hables, he she you (usted) is hable usted, we talk is nosostros hableamos and they speak is hablen ustedes. Every verb has this wonderful string of words attached. There are the standard verbs then heaps of non standard that you just have to memorize. Anyway I am living spanish and would rather be fishing! Working on this picture problem and hope to have it solved soon.



Anonymous said...

sorry senore,,,, no hable.
tim it is okay man how long did it take you to learn english when you was a baby?
a few years,,, so why do you expect this to be much faster ?
it will all come in God's time..
keep going father Tim..
if this cheers you up any ,, it is 20 below and windy and snow banks more than 5 feet high in our front yard.!!!
thinking of you's
lots of love Tami xxoo

Anonymous said...

Hey DAD,

You are doing great!! and look at it this way.. you are keeping alzheimers away with all of the brain exercies.. not chance of you getting it anyway..:) it's -26 and lots of wind here too. John Maydonik called me today. HE is up here working so we are gonna have him over for dinner. Love you guys lots
Beth and Mike

Anonymous said...

More weather....
yeah -25 with a wind chill of -34 fun.
I look at Michael and say "Who are YOU? And what am I doing living HERE?!"