Sunday, January 28, 2007

Juhlin Missionaries to Guatemala

Long time no entry.

On Tuesday, I took a tumble in the dark. My right ankle gave way on the edge of a sidewalk. I wish it could have been caught on video. I gyrated in many directions. I had a bag with a few things including some peanut butter which was in a glass container. I figured it would break, so I bent one way, then another on the way down. My phone flew 20 feet ahead of me on the street, and I did not even know it had left my person. The peanut butter rolled out of the bag undamaged and I looked around hoping no one had seen the fiasco.

I have one of the worlds largest blisters on my right heel and can`t wear shoes, only my crocs. Hm hope this clears up soon.

We did manage to pick up a 2004 Kia with 57000 km and a diesel engine, 2.5 litre. It works for us and should be ok for touring up to 3 individuals plus ourselves.

It has been interesting thinking about systems. In this country many items and services are cheaper than in Canada and the selection here is much greater (Sheila disagrees. When I think about the kinds of vehicles available they are ahead here and I am sure sheila can give many examples of where they are behind) however the system of payment for staff is not fair, but to change it is near impossible short of going political and military. If one works hard 6 days of the week they should be able to pay for a home and food. Working all day for 10 dollars american is not acceptable, however is common.

Language training is interesting and my emotions run the ladder from depression to excitement. I have grown very quiet and now seldom say anything in stores. This is not uncommon. I have noted that I can read more signs and know the words being said on the radio however full comprehension is not there because they speak tooooo fast for me at this time. Sheila is doing wonderful in Spanish (so says Tim, I am not so sure).More next week....


Anonymous said...

Glad the peanut butter made it, but next time perhaps consider your body as the prime thing to protect.

Don't be aftraid to talk in stores Dad. I think it's expected if its not your first language, that you'll make mistakes. Just think of Mom here teaching the Japanese just have to try and even if you KNOW it's not the correct way to say it, people will llisten, and for the most part will understand what you are MEANING to say, and then correct you in the process. Don't stop talking, otherwise you will just be avoiduing the biggest asset oyu have to draw on right now-native speakings, in regular conversations! I wish I had that opportunity.
Anyhow, keep blogging, love to read it ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello Tim & Sheila from Monty & Debbie. Read your reports & it sounds like your both having an exciting time & enjoying the learning experiences. To realize this dream must be both thrilling & rewarding. May God bless you both & give you quick language skills. Blessings, Monty & Debbie

Anonymous said...

hello father tim and you too sheila. want me to turn up the hot tub?? i am so glad to read your letters. we will keep you's in our prayers,, it will all be okay soon.GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.
THIS SOUNDS LIKE LOTS of personal growth opportunities!!!
we have news too. i will email you on your other email soon.
thinking of you both with lots of love Tami & Ron xxoo

Talena said...

Glad you guys are adapting. (Right?) Good to hear from you. Does your Kia get your mojo going? Do you feel like saying "Aaayeee!" every time you get into it? :-)

God's blessings be with you guys.

Talena Winters