Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Juhlin Missionaries to Guatemala

Problems with banks, all are busy with hundreds of people in line. We decided to take in the group event. What an experience. The bus ride there was dangerous looking but nothing was like the chicken run back into town. We had to stand and there were 3 to 5 people on every seat. And they just kept stopping for more! At one point 2 girls wanted to get out. The aisle is less than 10 inches wide. I was told to move futher back on the bus so I basically sat on someone to let the first girl by. Passing the second girl was a virtually intimate act. When I finally made it past her I was more or less hanging from the rails, had one foot on the floor and the other lost back where I had started from. Boy pulling that leg back home was funny.

We visited a rich coffee plantation that had a building and approach similiar to the taj hall. Three levels with 6 to 8 tables on each side. Lots of grass between tables also. Third level had a nice pool, 4th level a childrens pool and the 5th level was a huge castle like building with change rooms. This was a resort within a coffee plantation but it had no tourists except us. Roads were 25 meters wide, great rock work. Some laborers were cutting grass and cleaning shrubs under the coffee and banana trees.

Must run this is costing us! More next time.

TIm & Sheila

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