Friday, August 03, 2007

Tim Here

Life is different here for sure. For example:
Two days ago I watched a fellow start to cut a trench into the roadway. He was using a 6 inch chisel and a small hammer. Yesterday I walked by him again and he had progressed about 5 feet into the center of the road. I wonder if he is still working that chisel today. He is probably trying to tie into a water line or something like that. Time is no problem if you are not paid much.
On one of the main roads there is an installation of what looks like a 3 foot sewer line. A larger backhoe passes buy cutting a 5 foot wide trench some 6 feet deep. Then they work in the trench, then a team of men arrive to fill in the hole using hoes and shovels (Mexican drag line?). Many men moving many cubic meters of dirt. Labour is cheap.

We can sure tell that in some way we have died because we have both had weak moments when we have said "I want my life back". However we push on to the higher calling and maintain the course.

I have started working on a health and safety policy document for the Wlliam Cornelius Vocational Training Center. These things take time and fortunately I have a template to follow.

Still hoping for donations of musical instruments.

We had our 30th wedding anniversary on the 30th of July. Nice meal together at home.
We get to spend a lot of time together and some days without having a meaningful conversation with anyone else. That is what makes weekends so difficult. The silence can be deafening so we fill it with work, music, internet, ebay, morning devotions, movies, hobbies(quilting and gardening and guitar. We are building friendships but this all takes time

Gardening is a challange. I must water often because the wet season is too dry this year. Bugs are getting my zucchini so I have harvested the big ones that don't already with holes in them. The peas are doing great, the beans have a battle with bugs eating the leaves. Not sure if I will get any watermelons or cantelopes. The plants are slow to grow and I am not sure what they are to look like at different times in their maturity cycle.

I have read articles on Dallas Willard, Billy Graham, John Stott and Rick Warren lately. All are very influential in the Christian world and listening to their hearts regarding world situations is interesting. One has to be nearly blind to not see the needs in the world and I have been feeling a stirring to stay motivated to maintain the course and see what life God has for us. More on this stirring in the future.


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