Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hi Again Tim Here

We are having more difficulty now than we had in Antigua with adding to this blog site. It seems that the internet is pushed to the limits from noon on. This means that for us we have no internet in the afternoons or evenings. This is proving to be very frustrating. I should tell the internet company that I will only be paying my bill part time and will choose which month I will pay on time. I guess that would go over like a lead ballon!

Communication is proving slow and a constant challange. My phone ran out of minutes a week ago and finally today it was triple day for Tigo (our provider) so now I have 600 minutes on my phone for 200 Q or 30 dollars. We are not sure what it actually costs to phone home. Sometimes a long distance call is the same as a local and sometimes (I suspect when everything is working) we are charged a higher rate. So I will be making a number of calls to family in the next few days.

Still working on a coffee plan and Trees for Global Renewal but each is requiring input from others before we can move ahead.

I spend plenty of time in our garden trying to nurture the melons and squash. Most everything else did not germinate. Only peas and beans are growing great guns but I see lettuce all over the place. This means to me that I planted the seeds too shallow and the heavy rains and birds have dispersed the seed.

We visited the large Guatemalan family west of Antigua and brought them some food again. Walked up the hill to look at their gardens. I will download some pictures and get them on the site soon.


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