Saturday, July 14, 2007


Weekends are the hardest. Being away from family and friends a real challenge. Here is a picture of me with Baby Esther who is now an american citizen. She sure is a doll. We have a grandson about the same age and our son says people are always trying to hold him. We will hold him next year having missed a good part of his first 2 years.

I found a 5 piece drum set with cymbals and stands and the whole thing cost less than 1900 q which is less than 300 dollars. Will pick it up on Monday at 11 AM.

Our first bible study was interesting. About 20 people all in the 40 to 60 range. They appear to be at about the same social class as us which is good. Funny how in Canada this would never be an issue but down here there are just places we cannot not go to for safety reasons. For example we were going to attend a smaller local church but found that there was no protected parking so it was out of the question to leave the car out on the street. We need a church with guarded parking so where we attend now is fine.

By for now

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